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Christianne Bandeira de Melo

UFRJ (Brazil)
Christianne Bandeira de Melo

She has a bachelor's degree in Biological Sciences with a specialization in Pharmacology from UERJ (1992) and a doctorate in Cellular and Molecular Biology from FIOCRUZ/IOC (1998). Christianne did her postdoctoral studies at Harvard Medical School (Boston) with Professor Peter F. Weller (2002). To return to Brazil, she was honored by the CNPq Doctoral Attachment Program (PROFIX). In 2006, Christianne took over as assistant professor and PROFIX-Phase 2 researcher at the newly created Inflammation Laboratory at the Carlos Chagas Filho Institute of Biophysics at UFRJ. Christianne attended 2x JCNE (FAPERJ), a period in which she was also honored in the Emerging Groups/FAPERJ notice as coordinator. In 2008, she received a PQ2 scholarship from CNPq, in 2013 she moved to level 1D and in 2015 she received her first and highly sought-after title of CNE / FAPERJ (current). She served as Visiting Professor at Harvard Medical School (2016) and is now Associate Professor IV at UFRJ and PQ1C at CNPq. She served as vice-coordinator of the traditional Postgraduate Program in Biological Sciences - Biophysics at IBCCF/UFRJ (7 CAPES concept; between 2018-2022) and headed the Immunobiology Program (Department) at IBCCF/UFRJ (2021-2023). Regarding the training of specialized personnel, 11 master's theses, 9 doctoral theses and 1 post-doctorate (with the researcher's PDJ scholarship) were completed under her guidance. The researcher has experience in the area of Immunopharmacology, with an emphasis on leukocyte activation mechanisms with an emphasis on eosinophils. The processes of synthesis and action of lipid mediators (with emphasis on PGD2 eresolvins), cytokine secretion and organelle biogenesis are its research targets.
