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Organizing Committee

The Workshop on Inflammation has been organized since its first edition in 2011 by the faculty of different research programs on inflammation and related areas from UFRJ. Here are the participants of the organizing committee, with their respective UFRJ institutes:

  • Bruno Lourenço Diaz - President (IBCCF)
  • Ana Luisa Palhares de Miranda (FF)
  • Claudia Farias Benjamim (IBCCF)
  • Claudia Lucia Martins da Silva (IBCCF)
  • Cláudio de Azevedo Canetti (IBCCF)
  • João Alfredo de Moraes Gomes da Silva (ICB)
  • Jorge Luiz Mendonça Tributino Doutorado (ICB)
  • Leonardo Holanda Travassos Corrêa (IBCCF)
  • Manuella Lanzetti Daher de Deus (ICB)
  • Rosane Vianna Jorge Doutorado (ICB)
V Workshop On Inflammation

V Workshop On Inflammation Galoá

V Workshop on Inflammation uses Galoá to painless manage and increase the impact of the event.

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