Fernanda Cruz
Adjunct Professor at the Carlos Chagas Filho Biophysics Institute (IBCCF), Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ). Researcher 2 at CNPq (since 2019). Young Scientist of Our State (FAPERJ, since 2019). Member of the National Network of Advanced Therapies (RENETA, since 2020). Member of the board of directors (second treasurer) of the Brazilian Association of Cellular and Gene Therapy (ABTCEL-Gen) Management 2021-2023 and 2023-2025. Permanent supervisor of the postgraduate course in Biological Sciences - Physiology (concept 7) IBCCF, UFRJ and the postgraduate course in Clinical Medicine (concept 7), Faculty of Medicine, UFRJ. Doctor (cum laude) graduated from the Faculty of Medicine of UFRJ (2011/02). PhD in Biological Sciences (Physiology), IBCCF, UFRJ (2013). Postdoctoral degree in regenerative medicine and bioengineering, from 2013 to 2014, at the University of Vermont School of Medicine (United States). Post-doctorate at IBCCF, UFRJ (Jovens Talentos Scholarship - CNPq, 2014-2017; Nota Dez Scholarship - FAPERJ, 2017-2018). Laureate of the Loréal-Unesco-ABC award for Women in Science 2018, and by the American Thoracic Society in 2019, 2018, 2016, 2014 and 2010. She was elected an affiliate member of the Young Medical Leadership Program of the National Academy of Medicine (2015-2020) and member of the Young Physician Leaders of the Interacademies Partnership for Health since 2019. Member of the Commission for Mental Health Care for Students at IBCCF, UFRJ. She was head of the Regenerative Medicine Program, IBCCF, UFRJ (2019 to 2022). She was a member of the board (Treasurer) of the Brazilian Society of Physiology (SBFis) Gestão 2021-2022. FESBE Fiscal Council (2023-2024). SBFis Fiscal Council (2024-2025). She is linked to research projects related to physiology, pathophysiology and pulmonary immunology, regenerative medicine, bioengineering and intensive medicine. Experience in designing and planning experimental and clinical studies.