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Patricia Zancan

Patricia Zancan

Patricia Zancan is Associate Professor at UFRJ, Brazil since 2007. She got her MSc in 2002 and her PhD, in 2005 in Biological Chemistry in the Institute of Medical Biochemistry Leopoldo de Meis, at UFRJ. In 2008, she established a novel laboratory devoted to the study of signalling in cancer biology aimed to control the development of cancer cells. During the professional career, she has supervised Masters, PhD and post-doctoral fellows at high levels, contributing to the formation of qualified personnel. At administrative level, acted as the Head of the department of Pharmaceutical Biotechnology (2012-2014). She has authored more than 50 scientific articles in peer-reviewed journals. During 2014-2015, she was in a sabbatical period at Université Laval, Quebec, Canada, where she served as invited professor working in projects related to diabetes molecular triggers. In 2016 she was nominated as Young Affiliate of TWAS and was elected as co-chair of TYAN (TWAS Young Affiliates Network).
