Orosirian-Stenian evolution of the Bolivian Precambrian Shield, SW Amazonian Craton, constrained by U–Pb geochronology and Nd–Hf isotopic parameters
Tiny but timely. The contribution of detrital heavy minerals to unravelling geodynamic processes
Session Isotopes in sedimentary systems: stratigraphy, provenance, and petroleum systems
Session Crustal evolution of the Archean blocks and Proterozoic orogens
High δ15N values as a tool for tracking ammonia degassing in past inland seas: constraining the environmental impact of large-scale NH3 volatilization.
Crustal Evolution and Mantle-Crust Interaction in the Paleoarchean: Insights from the Campos Gerais Complex, Southern São Francisco Paleocontinent
Zircon U-Pb provenance analysis applied to impactites from the Rochechouart impact structure, France
Paleoproterozoic Minas-Bahia Orogenic System in the southernmost São Francisco Paleocraton (Brazil): Siderian-Rhyacian magmatism associated with the Mineiro belt
Coeval generation of TTG-sanukitoid magmatism in the Rhyacian tectonic evolution of the Juiz de Fora Complex, São Francisco Paleocontinent (SE Brazil)
Sulfur isotopic analysis derived from hydrogen sulfide in oilfield: evaluation of isotopic fractionation of precipitation in the form of sulfides
The Southern Segment of the Paleoproterozoic Minas-Bahia Orogen, SE Brazil: an example of a complete orogenic cycle
Unraveling the Middle Bambuí Excursion (MIBE) through paleoenvironment and paleoclimate reconstruction of a barrier island in the Lagoa do Jacaré Formation, Cordisburgo city, Minas Gerais, Brazil
Tracing sources and melting processes: Hf isotope variability in zircons from the S-type Cupim pluton
Cambrian banded iron formation set up evidence for microbially recycled iron in the Bambuí Group, East Brazil
Biogeodynamics: the next step in constraining crustal evolution
Late Statherian (1.69-1.65 Ga) Orogeny in SW Amazonian Craton, Rondônia, Brazil: Review and New U-Pb SHRIMP Zircon Ages
Post-Snowball oxidative weathering, nutrient cycling and the formation of early Ediacaran phosphorites, Bambuí Group, Brazil: insights from coupled Cr-Cd isotopes
Machine learning classifier algorithms applied for sedimentary provenance based on detrital zircon ages
First U-Pb zircon ages of Mesoproterozoic metaplagiogranites from Perau Formation, Southern Ribeira Belt, Brazil: a sill-like emplacement magmatism or a dismembered ophiolite?
Integration of stable isotope data from carbonates and waters in a tufa-forming lake in Southern Patagonia (51°S)
HP-(U)HT granulite from Pouso Alto Nappe, SE Brazil: insights into continental subduction and exhumation of the lower crust
U-Pb and Lu-Hf on Detrital Zircon Provenance Analysis of Paragneisses in a Hot Orogen: the Oriental Terrane in Rio de Janeiro City
Miocene strike-slip tectonics as a controller of the connections between the Northern Andes hinterland and the Pebas system
Relationship between crustal melting and magma emplacement during the final stages of West Gondwana agglutination recorded in high-grade terranes of SE Brazil
New U-Pb ages and stratigraphic relationships for the Toro Negro Formation in the northernmost section of the Chilean-Pampean flat slab (28°42´S): sediment provenance and basin reconstruction
Prolonged high-temperature granite production following subduction-accretion episodes at Ribeira belt, SE Brazil
Poster and Beer time
Closing Event
XIII South American Symposium on Isotope Geology uses Galoá to painless manage and increase the impact of the event.