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Quantitative 23Na MRI in food during sodium diffusion


Oral Communications


16th MRFood Meeting


Theater 1

Date and time:

18:30 to 18:50 on 06/07/2023

Quantitative 23Na MRI in food during sodium diffusion


*Raphael Monod1,2,3, Jean-Marie Bonny2,3, Guilhem Pages2,3, Thierry Thomas-Danguin1, Sylvie Clerjon2,3

1Centre des Sciences du GoĆ»t et de lā€™Alimentation, INRAE, CNRS, Institut Agro, UniversitĆ©

Bourgogne, F-21000 Dijon, France

2 UniversitĆ© Clermont Auvergne, INRAE, UR QuaPA, 63122, Saint-GenĆØs-Champanelle, France

3 INRAE, PROBE research infrastructure, AgroResonance facility, 63122, Saint-GenĆØs-Champanelle, France



Currently, sodium consumption is significantly higher than the 5 g per day recommended by health

organizations. The main source of dietary sodium comes from the salt added to food. The Sal&Mieux

project aims at finding domestic salting practices that can enhance saltiness perception while reducing

or maintaining salt content. For this study, carrots boiled in water were used as the food model. Two

practices were compared. On one hand, sprinkling salt on the food after cooking and on the other one,

adding salt during cooking (ie in the cooking water). Two salts were compared namely fine sea salt

and ā€˜Fleur de selā€™ (which have bigger crystals).

Sodium distribution, which is assumed to influence saltiness perception, can be assessed by

quantitative MRI (qMRI). Given that the salt concentration in the cooked food is not in equilibrium,

a quantitative mapping method with adequate temporal resolution was essential to monitor the

diffusion of salt after cooking effectively.

B1 correction was performed to accurately quantify sodium distribution in cooked carrots. The

selective Double Angle Method (DAM) with 90Ā° and 30Ā° prescribed angles was used1

. A modified

sequence alternating between these two angles every minute was applied to account for sodium

diffusion during acquisition. The total sequence duration can be optimized to fit the best ratio between

acquisition time and SNR. To tackle the short relaxation times, a non-cartesian spiral acquisition was

used. Experiments were conducted using a 9.4 T imager equipped with a 30-mm diameter Ā¹H/Ā²Ā³Na

volume coil for both excitation and reception.

Thanks to this methodology quantitative sodium maps were successfully obtained for the two salting

practices. Then, it was possible to monitor the sodium temporal evolution in the different parts of the

cooked carrots. 5 carrots were analysed per modality to improve the resultsā€™ robustness. To obtain

these quantitative maps the carrots were only salted twice as much as is usually done in domestic

settings. Preliminary results show that a more heterogeneous distribution of sodium is obtained when

salting is performed after cooking compared to when salting is performed during cooking, especially

when bigger crystals are used. This can explain differences in salt perception measured during sensory

analyses. The expected results should allow us to highlight practices in terms of table salt use that can

easily be adopted by consumers to increase the sensory availability of discretionary salt therefore

lowering salt intake.

Acknowledgments: ANR-19-CE21-0009 Sal&Mieux, INRAE TRANSFORM division


1. Magn Reson Med. 2012 Nov;68(5):1472-80. doi: 10.1002/mrm.24146


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