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16th Brazilian Meeting of Bayesian Statistics and VI Latin American Conference on Statistical Computing


The following news were published by the International Statistical Institute and the International Association for Statistical Computing to publicize, reinforce the importance and invite the communities to the 16th Brazilian Meeting of Bayesian Statistics and VI Latin American Conference on Statistical Computing, that will be held virtually. 

IASC News January 2022

IASC Scholarship for the 16th Brazilian Meeting of Bayesian Statistics and VI Latin American Conference on Statistical Computing

We inform that the IASC will provide 25 scholarships – 100% waiver in the registration fee for participants to the 16th Brazilian Meeting of Bayesian Statistics and VI Latin American Conference on Statistical Computing.

To apply for these scholarships, the candidate must be a member of the International Association for Statistical Computing (IASC). To become a member, visit

The candidates need to have an approved work to be presented in the meeting (submit your paper here

The priority will be given to people living in developing countries at the time of the application:

And countries with low-income/lower-middle-income:


To apply, fill the form here:

IASC News November 2021

IASC-LARS: Forthcoming Joint Virtual Event

Title: The 6th Latin American Conference on Statistical Computing (LACSC 2022) with the 16th Brazilian Meeting of Bayesian Statistics (EBEB 2022) (virtual meeting).
Summary: The 6th Latin American Conference on Statistical Computing (LACSC 2022) will be held in São Carlos-Brazil, from March 16 to March 18, 2022. It is jointly organized with the 16th Brazilian Meeting of Bayesian Statistics (EBEB 2022).

The 6th Latin American Conference on Statistical Computing (LACSC 2022) will be held in São Carlos city, São Paulo state, Brazil, from March 16 to March 18, 2022. Only virtual format. LACSC 2022 is jointly organized by the Department of Applied Mathematics and Statistics, University of São Paulo, and the Latin American Regional Section of the International Association for Statistical Computing (IASC-LARS). In this edition, LACSC will be held jointly with the 16th Brazilian Meeting of Bayesian Statistics (EBEB 2022) which is organized by the Brazilian Chapter of the International Society for Bayesian Analysis (ISBA).

The meeting of both communities (LACSC and EBEB) is expressed in the variety of our confirmed Keynote Speakers, take a look!

  • Andrew Gelman (Columbia University),
  • Cathy W. S. Chen (Feng Chia University),
  • Jorge Luis Bazán (University of São Paulo),
  • Marina Silva Paez (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro),
  • Mark Steel (University of Warwick),
  • Pedro Ramos (Pontifical Catholic University of Chile),
  • Sônia Petrone (Universita’ Bocconi),
  • Vinicius Mayrink (Federal University of Minas Gerais),
  • Xiaojing Wang (University of Connecticut),
  • Yanina Bellini Saibene (National Institute of Agricultural Technology of Argentina).



IASC-LARS School on Computational Statistics and Data Science and the EBEB School for 2022

Title: IASC-LARS announces double School for 2022.
Summary: The Fourth IASC-LARS School on Computational Statistics and Data Science “Deep neural networks: Fundamentals, computational, mathematical aspects and advances”; and the EBEB School “Bayesian Survival Analysis with BUGS”

Forthcoming Events: IASC-LARS announces double School for 2022!

The Fourth IASC-LARS School on Computational Statistics and Data Science “Deep neural networks: Fundamentals, computational, mathematical aspects and advances”; and the EBEB School “Bayesian Survival Analysis with BUGS”

Both Schools will be offered in online format, from March 14 to March 15 of 2022 in the two days preceding the joint event: 6th Latin American Conference on Statistical Computing (LACSC 2022) and 16th Brazilian Meeting of Bayesian Statistics (EBEB 2022).

LACSC 2022 School: “Deep neural networks: Fundamentals, computational, mathematical aspects, and advances”


IASC News September 2021

The 6th Latin American Conference on Statistical Computing (LACSC 2022)

Title: The 6th Latin American Conference on Statistical Computing (LACSC 2022)
Summary: The 6th Latin American Conference on Statistical Computing (LACSC 2022) in its joint edition with the 16th Brazilian Meeting of Bayesian Statistics (EBEB 2022) proudly announces the confirmed Keynotes.

The 6th Latin American Conference on Statistical Computing (LACSC 2022) in its joint edition with the 16th Brazilian Meeting of Bayesian Statistics (EBEB 2022) proudly announces the confirmed Keynotes speakers.

Andrew Gelman (Columbia University, United States)
Cathy W. S. Chen (Feng Chia University, Taiwan)
Jorge Luis Bazán (Univesity of São Paulo, Brazil)
Marina Silva Paez (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)
Mark Steel (University of Warwick, United Kingdom)
Pedro Ramos (Pontifical Catholic University of Chile, Chile)
Sônia Petrone (Bocconi University, Italy)
Vinicius Mayrink (Federal University of Minas Gerais, Brazil)
Xiaojing Wang (University of Connecticut, United States)
Yanina Bellini Saibene (National Institute of Agricultural Technology, Argentina)

We hope to e-meet you there. From March 16 to March 18, 2022.

IASC News August 2021

The 6th Latin American Conference on Statistical Computing

Title: The 6th Latin American Conference on Statistical Computing

Summary: The 6th Latin American Conference on Statistical Computing (LACSC 2022) will be held in Sao Paulo, Brazil, from March 16 to March 18, 2022. Only virtual format.

LACSC 2022 is jointly organized by the Department of Applied Mathematics and Statistics, University of São Paulo, and the Latin American Regional Section of the International Association for Statistical Computing (IASC-LARS). In this edition, LACSC will be held jointly with the16th Brazilian Meeting of Bayesian Statistics (EBEB 2022) which is organized by the Brazilian Chapter of the International Society for Bayesian Analysis (ISBA).


EBEB - LACSC 2022 Galoá

16th Brazilian Meeting of Bayesian Statistics and VI Latin American Conference on Statistical Computing uses Galoá to painless manage and increase the impact of the event.

Need help planning or organizing your conference? Schedule a call