XVII SO 2023

banner - XVII SO 2023

Important dates


October - 2023

Disclosure of results


November - 2023


Important Notices!

  • Registrations are now open for those who will NOT present posters.
  • RUN TO MAKE YOUR REGISTRATION! - limited spots are available!
  • Login and password to register for the XVII Oncobiology Symposium are the same as in previous years.

Welcome to the XVII Oncobiology Symposium!

After 3 years of the Covid-19 pandemic, taking place in remote format, the XVII Oncobiology Symposium returns to the face-to-face model, but adopting the hybrid pattern of realization.

In 2023, the event will take place from the 8th to the 10th of November. The first day (11/8) will be dedicated to online presentations and the second and third day (11/9 and 11/10) will focus on in-person exhibitions - with lectures and poster sessions. at Inovateca Building at Technologic Park - Ilha do Fundão (UFRJ).

The Oncobiology Symposium is an annual event, organized by the Oncobiology Program, which promotes lectures by renowned specialists from Brazil and abroad, who are dedicated to the development of new treatments and diagnostic methods for cancer.

In this edition, the event will receive submissions of works in:
1) Bioinformatics;
2) Cell Biology;
3) Molecular Biology;
4) Teaching and Scientific Dissemination in Cancer;
5) Metabolism and Glycobiology;
6) Genomics, Proteomics and Metabolomics;
7) Cell Signaling
8) Drug and Natural Product Therapy.

Selected scientific initiation, master's, doctoral and post-doctoral works will be presented in the official program (online), together with lectures by national and foreign experts.

XVII SO 2023

XVII SO 2023 Galoá

XVII ONCOBIOLOGY SYMPOSIUM uses Galoá to painless manage and increase the impact of the event.

Need help planning or organizing your conference? Schedule a call


