DNP surface enhanced solid-state NMR spectroscopy: recent developments and applications
Deuterium MRI: The next tool for cancer detection?
Symposium 03: Imaging/Instrumentation
Magnetic Resonance Imaging as a tool to enlighten the understanding of the brain clearance
MRI of porous media
Patient-specific steady-state CFD in healthy cerebral arteries using MRI: analysis with ASL CBF
Doing NMR and NQR outside the box
Sponsor's Lecture 03: The importance of crossover between academy and industry for the advances of TD-NMR and NMR spectroscopy practical applications
19ᵗʰ NMR USERS MEETING - September 25-29, 2023 - Riale Brisa Barra Hotel - Barra da Tijuca, RJ, Brazil uses Galoá to painless manage and increase the impact of the event.