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Software demo of Spinsolve Benchtop NMR Reaction Monitoring module
Get insight into the latest developments and applications of Spinsolve benchtop NMR spectrometers.
Quantum Design's Advanced Technology Liquefiers (ATL) along with its innovative Helium Recovery, Storage & Purification Systems allow you to recover the helium gas currently being lost from the normal boil off and helium transfers of your NMR and other cryogenic instruments.
The difficulty of obtaining liquid helium along with increasing cost has made recycling helium a top priority.
A new device for recycling the helium coolant in an MRI scanner or similar machine uses elevated pressure to dramatically increase the rate at which helium is liquefied.
QD USA - Advanced Technology Liquefier ATL160
A movie summarizing the importance of helium to research and science, the fact that it is a finite resource, and how technology is being developed to recover and recycle it. For more information about helium recycling visit:
How to insert and remove a transfer line from an ATL
Providing complete low field NMR solutions
Fast, Nondestructive, Online, In-situ High&Low Temperature/High Pressure Simulation