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Where Every ‘One’ Knows Your Name (Not Your Title): The Transformative Power of Qualitative Approaches in Community-Based Research


Plenary Conference


Kraków (Poland)


Jagiellonian University, Collegium Novum

Date and time:

14:20 to 16:00 on 02/05/2025

Location: Jagiellonian University, Collegium Novum

Using an autoethnographic lens, we will in this plenary provide insight into the journey researchers took as they transitioned from external observers, scholars, and experts in their field to integral members of the communities they study. More specifically, this session will focus on the pivotal role qualitative research plays in this transformation, fostering deeper engagement, mutual understanding, and collective action among all stakeholders—both coresearchers and researchers. Concomitantly, we will explore how researchers can immerse themselves in community settings using qualitative approaches such as ethnography, qualitative case study, and phenomenology that can (and hopefully will) lead to a deeper connection and genuine partnership with community members.

The presentation will detail strategies for building trust and respect, which are crucial as researchers move beyond mere data collection (and their titles) to become co-creators of knowledge with the community, a community where every one knows their name. The speakers will discuss the need for humility and reflexivity—continuously reflecting on and adjusting one’s role in relation to the community. A significant focus will be on the concept of becoming an ‘Us’ where researchers learn not only about the community but also from it, leading to a shared identity and purpose.

This transformation is critical for conducting research that is not only about the community but for and with it, leading to outcomes that are truly beneficial and supported by those involved. This session aims to inspire attendees by showcasing how embracing the community as partners and co-researchers can lead to more impactful and sustainable changes. It will provide a platform for discussing how to navigate the challenges of this transformation and how to effectively leverage the collective power of community and research expertise for social change.

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