An Introduction to Using Constructivist Grounded Theory Methodology
Kraków (Poland)
Room 317
Date and time:
9:40 to 11:10 on 02/05/2025
Location: Jagiellonian University, Collegium Wróblewskiego
This mini-workshop introduces Kathy Charmaz’s constructivist grounded theory (CGT). Grounded theory (GT) consists of flexible guidelines to fit particular research problems. With these guidelines, we expedite and systematise data collection and analysis.
Following a brief exploration of the history and development of GT, we examine its basic guidelines and major strategies, including initial line-by-line and focused coding, the use of gerunds, memoing, diagramming, theoretical sampling, and categorising.
Throughout the session, there is an emphasis on CGT’s epistemological foundation and resultant adaptations to the research process, including regarding the literature review, researcher positionality/ies, and participant involvement. This workshop will be of interest to those doing full CGT studies but also to those who may be interested in learning about and potentially using some of the powerful GT strategies (such as coding) in studies with a different overall methodological approach.