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Video Stimulated Recall Reflection and Dialogue Method






Online - Room 1

Date and time:

15:30 to 17:00 on 01/24/2024

14:30 -16:00 (Azores timetable) | Online Workshop

This workshop gives participants the chance to explore the method of video stimulated recall, reflection and dialogue. The method was developed by researchers at the UK National Centre for Research Methods to extend basic video stimulated recall methods and (teacher) reflection practices. The emphasis is on how use of reviewing video together can facilitate dialogue about knowing in action and therefore rich data that would otherwise be difficult to elicit. Learning about the method will be shared following its use in research with (i) teachers and learners of research methods, (ii) teachers and learners of digital accessibility, and (iii) people with intellectual disabilities experiencing work and those supporting them. Workshop participants will discursively reflect on the affordances of the method in new contexts, experiment with decision-making matrices associated with the method, and explore high and low tech options.
Keywords: video methods, dialogue, knowing in action, reflection.
Necessary resources: No additional technical resources are needed to participate in the workshop. Participants should have an interest in participatory and collaborative approaches. Experience of focus group methods is helpful.

Melanie Nind is Professor of Education and Co-Director of the National Centre for Research Methods. She has long engagement in building capacity in research methods including (with Kilburn and Wiles, Using video and dialogue to generate pedagogic knowledge: Teachers, learners and researchers reflecting together on the pedagogy of social research methods, International Journal of Social Research Methodology, 2015, 18:5, 561-76 and with Lewthwaite, Methods that Teach, International Journal of Research & Method in Education, 2018, 41(4), 398-410. She is editor of the Bloomsbury Research Methods for Education series and the Handbook of Teaching and Learning Social Research Methods (Edward Elgar). 

Sarah Lewthwaite is a Senior Research Fellow and UKRI Future Leaders Fellow with a continuing interest in methods development. She worked with Prof. Nind on the Pedagogy of Methodological Learning study (2015-2019), and has co-led studies focused on innovation in the teaching of ‘Big Qual’, methods textbooks, and inclusive research culture and data-driven research skills development. She is a contributor to the Handbook of Teaching and Learning Social Research Methods and has experience of using participatory and accessible digital diary methods with varied participants across university and the workplace learning settings.

Abigail Croydon has recently completed ESRC-funded doctoral research adapting video stimulated reflection methods to collaborate with people with learning disabilities and stakeholders in their work. She is interested in developing methods that are not primarily verbally mediated and that promote active participation in qualitative research. As research officer at the UCL Centre for Research in Autism and Education, she has written collaboratively on such methods in Using Qualitative Research to Hear the Voice of Children and Young People (2016) and in Educational and Child Psychology and Topics in Language Disorders (both 2016).


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Matthew Goniwe School of Leadership & Governance