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Online bodymapping? Experimenting with innovating the justice-centered arts-based approach






Online - Room 2

Date and time:

15:30 to 17:00 on 01/24/2024

14:30 -16:00 (Azores timetable) | Online Workshop

Bodymapping is a recognized arts-based participatory approach, offering a means to facilitate the voice of participants. Bodymapping was developed as a practice to be used face-to-face, in particular to recognize needs, raise awareness, and advocate for communities. Some arts-based practices have also been shown as adaptable for online spaces, such as online photovoice. For example, asynchronous online photovoice suggests practical steps to address issues of justice. However, bodymapping has yet to be explored for online use, yet offering important directions to delve into the lived experiences and needs of communities.

This workshop will offer a chance for participants to engage in thoughtful discussion about theory, rigor, ethics, and practicalities of bodymapping for face-to-face situations. It will include collaborative space to delve into hands-on practice for innovating the justice-centered arts-based approach for online spaces. Through the interactive online experience, insights discovered could offer a means toward a future coproduced publication addressing the suggested steps and challenges for implementing online bodymapping as a creative methodological approach speaking to social, economic, and environmental justice-centered research. The workshop will last for 1h30m.

Necessary resources: Please come ready to participate using, a free online engagement space.

Anna CohenMiller, PhD, is a TEDx speaker and multi-award-winning qualitative methodologist, and educational leader who uses transformational research and leadership to address issues of equity, inclusion, and justice in higher education internationally. She specializes in demystifying research for early career researchers, emphasizing the innovative use of arts-based research to facilitate and amplify voice of marginalized, overlooked/misheard, and colonized communities. Her recent methodological textbooks include Questions in Qualitative Social Justice Research in Multicultural Contexts (AERA QUAL SIG Outstanding Book Award) and Transformative Moments in Qualitative Research: Method, Theory, and Reflection (forthcoming)For collaborations and consultations: 


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