Demo Session 3: Mastering the Gold Standard of Qualitative Research: The Art of Conducting In-depth Individual and Group Interviews
Demo session
Conference Centre - Room 1
Date and time:
15:30 to 17:00 on 01/24/2024
14:30 -16:00 (Johannesburg timetable) | In-person Session
Analysing life is a complex task that involves a process of condensing human experiences into essences (Saldaña & Omasta, 2018). Qualitative in-depth interview is the “gold standard of qualitative research” (Mason, 2002). Interviews are the key to deep understanding of the thoughts, opinions, perceptions, behaviors, experiences, and meanings of the events that have shaped the perspectives of the participants. They can assist in creating new concepts and theories of how people understand the world they live in. This demonstration session will explore and present best practices in conducting in-depth individual and group interviews.
Effective qualitative interviews are well planned. We will discuss the planning phase for such interviews to facilitate the flow of conversation between the researchers and the participants. It will include practical strategies to consider logistics and venue, interview questions, trust and building rapport, culture and power, listening skills, non-verbal data, researchers’ flexibility, researchers’ sensitivity, and exiting the interview.
A productive and meaningful interview builds on good interview questions as well as listening skills on the parts of both the interviewers and the interviewees. Different types of questions will be introduced. A special attention will be given to a probing and follow-up questions.
The results of a good FGD interview depend on the experience and skills of the researcher–moderators. They need to ensure that the discussion is balanced and inclusive, so the topic is thoroughly addressed (Lewis, 2003). The demo session will present the strategies to facilitate a healthy and engaging discussion. The differences of the individual and group interviews, as well as the ethical issues and considerations, will be presented.
Pavel Zubkov
Adventist International Institute of Advanced Studies (PH)