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Implementation of Pulse Sequences

COURSE: Implementation of Pulse Sequences

19th and 20th of July, 2022

PROFESSORProf. Clemens Anklen (Bruker USA):

LIMITE DE VACANCIES: up to 100. Overbook will be evaluated.


Day 1:

Retrosynthesis of pulsprograms.

Overview of pulse program features and commands by analysis of existing programs.

This part will present the commands and parameters found in pulse programs.

Day 2:

Synthesis of a pulse program:

In this part we will demonstrate how to build a pulseprogram from a publication.

Certificates will be provided to subscribers with 100% attendance.

REGISTRATION PERIOD: From June 15th to July 11th, 2022
AUREMN MEMBER ………. R$ 50,00 (fifty brazilian reais / cinquenta reais)
NON-MEMBERS OF AUREMN … R$ 200,00 (two hundred brazilian reais / duzentos reais)



pulsesequences-2022 Galoá

Implementation of Pulse Sequences uses Galoá to painless manage and increase the impact of the event.

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