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All abstracts submitted to the Brazilian Nanoscale Workshop: Exploring Extracellular Vesicles must be written in English and received by the specified deadline (from FEBRUARY 05th to MARCH 17th). - EXTENDED DEADLINE! MARCH 22nd

Each presenting author should submit a maximum of one abstract. Registration is not mandatory for co-authors, but the presenting author will be required to register for the event. We encourage all authors to register before the abstract submission deadline to ensure their participation in the Workshop.

Abstracts written in inadequate English or containing orthographic errors may be refused by the Scientific Committee.

Each abstract submission/presentation will be analyzed by the Scientific Committee. The criteria for poster evaluation will be the following:

  • Relevance
  • Originality and innovation
  • Quality of research
  • Adequacy of methodology
  • Quality of presentation
  • Conclusions and implications

The top-ranked abstracts will be selected for awards (Post-doc fellows, PhD students, Master students and Undergraduate students).


Abstracts must be submitted through the website and must fall into one or more of the areas listed below:

  • Cancer
  • Viral, bacterial, parasitic and fungal disease
  • Metabolism
  • Immune response
  • Coagulation and thrombosis
  • Chronic disease
  • Biotechnology
  • Clinical Applications
  • Therapy and vaccines
  • Methods for isolation and quantification of EVs

2.1 Abstract rules:

The abstract must be written in English. It must include a heading with Title, Authors, and Affiliation. The main text must contain a maximum of 400 words with Introduction, Methods, Results and Conclusions. Authors should also include Financial Support (if applicable) and Keywords.

Please note:

  • We encourage the authors to describe the Methods section in detail.
  • When applicable, authors should mention the number of approval by the respective Ethical Committee.
  • References lists should not be included.
  • Abstracts should not contain tables, graphs, or images.
  • Abbreviations should be defined when they are first mentioned in the abstract.

2.2. Poster rules

  • The poster must also contain the list of Authors and Affiliations.
  • The title of the poster must be the same as the accepted abstract.
  • The poster must be written in English.
  • The poster should include a brief Introduction, Objectives, Methods (in detail), Results and Conclusions.
  • The panel should measure 0.90m x 1.20m (width x height) with a string for hanging.
  • Authors should mention the Financial Support (if applicable).
  • Presentation of the poster is MANDATORY for those who desire to be eligible for awards.

Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions (

Organizing committee of the Brazilian NanoScale Workshop: Exploring Extracellular Vesicles

Submit your abstract

Brazilian NanoScale Workshop

Brazilian NanoScale Workshop Galoá

Brazilian NanoScale Workshop: Exploring Extracellular Vesicles uses Galoá to painless manage and increase the impact of the event.

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