Molecular composition of food: foodOmics, food chemistry, qNMR, authenticity - Part 1
New 1D and 2D NMR approaches for studying known and unknown complex metabolomics mixtures
Microfluidic NMR as tool to study biological systems
Similarity calculations and differential NMR in the search of marker compounds for food identity and quality
Molecular composition of food: foodOmics, food chemistry, qNMR, authenticity - Part 2
Practical and methodological issues related to high accuracy qNMR measurements in food
Exploration of discriminant metabolites in semi-hard cheeses produced by lactic acid bacteria and propionic acid bacteria using 1H-NMR spectroscopy
Quantitative analysis of sugars in Brazilian and Canadian honey samples using 1H NMR spectroscopy
NMR Spectral fingerprinting of Camellia sinensis extracts: How to analyze the NMR spectra - Similarity Calculations and Differential NMR vs. Multivariate Data Analysis
Automated 1H-NMR analysis of Cool Climate Wine production using the SigMa approach
Molecular composition of food: foodOmics, food chemistry, qNMR, authenticity - Part 3
Solid–liquid phase transitions of triglycerides in Griebenschmalz, smalec, and grevefedt studied using 13C solid‐state NMR with dynamics‐based spectral filtering
Multiscale structure of food - food physics, water state, structural anisotropy - Part 1
Magnetic Resonance Imaging for short relaxation times applied to seed evaluation
Quantitative 23Na MRI in food during sodium diffusion
Poster Session
Best posters prizes / Closing remarks
Conference dinner by membership
XVIII Brazilian Magnetic Resonance Conference & MR FOOD 2024 uses Galoá to painless manage and increase the impact of the event.