Clemens Anklin
Bruker BioSpin – USADr. Clemens Anklin is a veteran of the NMR BootCamp and serves as the Vice President of Applications and Training for Bruker. He is an experienced user of the TopSpin software package that operates their spectrometers and is used to acquire high resolution multi-dimensional NMR data.
Dr. Anklin received his Ph.D. from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH Zürich) and has been with Bruker since 1988. He presented at the first NMR BootCamp and also at the first “NANUC Roadshow” in London, Ontario regarding non-uniform rapid NMR data acquisition on Bruker instrumentation. The focus in 2011 will be the set-up, acquisition and processing of BioNMR experiments. The lecture will also include a discussion of the latest additions to the experimental library and latest software/features.