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Virginia Jauregui Villanueva

Bruker BioSpin Mexico

Chemistry is shown in my Bachelor degree, Analytical Chemist shows in my Master's Degree and Doctor in Materials Science and Engeneering is my latest degree. I have been working in the R&D departments at Tintas y Químicos and at the Polymer Research Center of Comex. In both places I have been involved in the analysis of Raw Materials as well as the formulation of solvent based inks and architectural water based coatings. Leadership is one of my principal strengths and I enjoy working as part of a multidisciplinary team.

Highly skilled in the use of: Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, Mass Spectrometry, FT- Infrared, Analytical Chemistry in general and Quantum Computing.

Quimica con especialidad en Química Analítica Instrumental y Doctorado en Ciencia e Ingeniería en Materiales. Tengo experiencia laboral en las empresas Tintas y Químicos así como en el Centro de Investigación en Polímeros del Grupo Comex trabajando como parte del equipo de Investigación y Desarrollo (áreas de analítica y formulación) así como lider y asesora en diferentes tipos de Proyectos.

Todas atividades de Virginia Jauregui Villanueva
Virginia Jauregui Villanueva