Dr. Cesar Augusto Tenorio de Lima
Institution: Adjunct Professor at the Federal Rural University of the Amazon - UFRA, Campus Belém, Institute of Agricultural Sciences - ICA, Belém do Pará
Lines of Research: Tropical Forest Management, with emphasis on community and family forest management; Sociobiodiversity and bioeconomy of forest goods and services; Socio-environmental development and management of forest resources in the Amazon
Curriculum: Doctorate in Science: Socio-environmental Development (UFPA); Master in Forestry Sciences (UFRA); Specialization in Management and Environmental Handling in Forest Systems (UFLA); Degree in Forestry Engineering (FCAP/UFRA). Currently (2023), he has organized the book "Forest for People: guarantee of rights and citizenship with sustainability in the Amazon"
Dr. Daniel Piotto
Institution: Federal University of Southern Bahia (UFSB) and State University of Santa Cruz (UESC)
Research: ecology, forest management and restoration, inventory, reforestation with native species, tropical botany and dendrology
Curriculum: Dr. in Natural Resources and Sustainable Management – Yale University (USA), Master in Management and Conservation of Tropical Forests by the Tropical Agronomic Research and Teaching Center-CATIE (Costa Rica), Master by Yale University (USA), Forestry Engineer from the State University of São Paulo
Dr. Evaldo Munhoz Braz
Institution: Embrapa Forestry
Line(s) of research: Management of natural forests, with emphasis on forest management in the Amazon; Forest Inventory; exploration of natural forests.
Curriculum: Dr. in Forestry Engineering from- - Federal University of Santa Maria; Master in Forestry Engineering - Federal University of Paraná; Forestry Engineer - Federal University of Santa Maria. Currently, coordinates projects in the state of Mato Grosso, Brazil and in Ethiopia.
Dr. Gastón Vergara Díaz
Institution: Austral University of Chile – Associate Professor
Research: Monitoring changes in Chile's vegetation resources
Curriculum: Dr. in Natural Resources and Sustainable Management – University of Córdoba (Spain), Master in Business Administration - Austral University of Chile, Statistician and Computer Engineer - Austral University of Chile
Dra. Fabíola Marono Zerbini
Institution: Ministry of Environment and Climate Change, Department of Biodiversity, Forests and Animal Rights, Brazil – Director
Line(s) of research: Restoration of native vegetation and forest management; Solidary economy and fair trade; Zero deforestation associated with commodity production.
Curriculum: Lawyer and PhD in Political and Environmental Science from PROCAM/USP – University of São Paulo (Brazil). She was Director of Forestry, Land Use and Agriculture at WRI Brazil; Latin American Director of TFA – Tropical Forest Alliance, Director of FSC Brazil – Forest Stewardship Council.
Dr. Silvio Ferraz
Institution: Department of Forest Sciences at ESALQ/USP, University of São Paulo, Brazil - associate professor
Line(s) of research: management of watersheds and forest hydrology with emphasis on the conservation of water and aquatic ecosystems; forest hydrology and tropical stream ecology and landscape ecology
Curriculum: Dr. in Conservation of Forest Resources (ESALQ/USP); Forestry Engineer (ESALQ/USP). He is the scientific coordinator of the Micro basin Environmental Monitoring Program (PROMAB) with 28 monitored micro basins in Brazil and Latin America and leads the Forest Hydrology Laboratory at ESALQ / USP.
MsC. Andréia Pimentel
Institution: Forest Strategy and Planning Manager at Klabin S.A.
Curriculum: Master’s in Forest Management - Federal University of Paraná (UFPR), MBA in Strategy - Getúlio Vargas Foundation (FGV), Forestry Engineer - State University of the Midwest (UNICENTRO).
Dr. Martin Sanchez Acosta
Institution: National Institute of Agricultural Technology- INTA- Concordia-Entre Ríos Experimental Station - Argentina
Research: Eucalyptus and pine wood technology - Constructions with eucalyptus and forest plantation. Forest Extension and Communications
Curriculum: Master's and Doctorate in Wood Technology, University of Valladolid – Spain; Forest Engineer - Higher School of Forests of the University of La Plata UNLP, Argentina; Agricultural Engineer - Faculty of Agronomy of the National University of La Plata UNLP, Argentina.
MSc. Fernanda Rodrigues
Institution: Forests Dialogue (national executive coordinator); Steering Committee of The Forests Dialogue (member); Forest Women’s Network (director advisor); Women's Core Group at the United Nations Forum on Forests - UNFF (alternative focal point).
Lines of action: Certification and sustainability – policy and negotiation in the forestry context
Curriculum: Master's degree in Forest Economics and Policy from UFPR; Forest Engineer - Federal University of Paraná (UFPR) with a sandwich degree from the University of Freiburg in Germany
Dr. Mauro Luis Ruffino
Institution: Permanent Secretariat of the Amazon Cooperation Treaty Organization -SP/OTCA (Coordinator of the Regional Project for Management, Monitoring and Control of Species of Wild Fauna and Flora Threatened by Trade - Bioamazônia Project and the Regional Observatory of the Amazon -ORA)
Lines of Research and activities: Management, sustainable use and conservation of biodiversity, monitoring of the Amazon, biodiversity, water resources, forests.
Curriculum: Master in Biological Oceanography, Oceanologist
Dra. Yhasmin Paiva Rody
Institution: Suzano S.A. (Research and Development - R&D Manager in Forest Management.
Lines of Research and activities: R&D projects focusing on landscape management for resilient forests, climate change, and forest hydrology. Her work aims to implement forest management practices aligned with the sustainability of the productive environment.
Curriculum: She conducted postdoctoral research at the University of British Columbia, Canada. MSc and Ph.D. in Agricultural Meteorology at UFV (Federal University of Viçosa), holds a degree in Forest Engineering from UFES (Federal University of Espírito Santo.
MSc. Gerson Uyuni Muriel
Institution: Foundation for the Conservation of the Chiquitano Dry Forest – FCBC – Santa Cruz - Bolivia
Research line: Environmental Geomatics, Restoration, Sustainability and Forest Monitoring. He is a geomatics specialist for the Innovative Regenerative Practices for Sustainable Agriculture (PRIAS) project led by the Foundation for the Conservation of the Chiquitano Dry Forest.
Curriculum: Master in Geoinformation Sciences and Earth and Water Observation (UMSS - Bolivia), Forestry Engineer (UAGRM - Bolivia).
Dr. Carlos Francisco García Olmos
Institution: Francisco José de Caldas District University, Colombia (professor).
Research: Water Resources with emphasis on forestry engineering, and dedication to lines of research in planning, use and management of water resources, water-soil-plant relationships, and hydrographic basins
Curriculum: Doctor in Environmental Technologies from the University of Oviedo (Spain), Civil Engineer and Master in Hydraulic Resources (National University of Colombia), Specialist in Irrigation Engineering (Cedex, Madrid, Spain) and in Natural Resources Management (University Francisco Jose de Caldas)
MSc. Gustavo Eduardo Torres Osses
Institution: University of Los Lagos - Chile
Research line: Sustainability of Socioecological Systems.
Curriculum: Master of Science, Forest Engineer. Doctoral student of Social Sciences in Territorial Studies, University of Los Lagos. Experience in interdisciplinary studies carried out in the Los Lagos Region, Chile, especially in the use of forest resources by rural communities.
MSc. Natalia Cerda Opazo
Institution: University of Los Lagos - Chile
Research line: Planning and management of high-value territories for conservation, project formulation and evaluation, community participation and environmental education.
Curriculum: Master of Science, Engineer in Conservation of Natural Resources (Austral University of Chile). Courses on design and management of agrosilvopastoral systems, and agroecology (Autonomous University of Yucatán).
Dr. César Polanco-Tapia
Institution: Francisco José de Caldas District University, Bogotá, D.C., Colombia
Research line: Sustainable Forest Management, Forest Products Technology
Curriculum: PhD in Forest Sciences (ESALQ-USP); Master in Industrial Engineering (University of the Andes, Colombia); Master in Civil Engineering (University of the Andes, Colombia); Specialist in Production Engineering (Francisco José de Caldas District University, Colombia); Forest Engineer (Francisco José de Caldas District University, Colombia)
Isabel Ferreira
Lawyer and internationalist, pursuing a Ph.D. and holding a Master's degree in International Economic Law from the Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne. She has previously worked as a lawyer with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, been a member of the Brazilian Climate Network, and held positions as a project management director and project coordinator in the fields of environment, climate change, and low-carbon agriculture. She currently serves as the Executive Director of the ILPF Network Association.
MSc. Róger Villalobos Soto
Institution: Tropical Agricultural Research and Teaching Center – CATIE, Costa Rica
Research line: Rural development, forest management, forest governance and policy, management of non-timber forest products, management and restoration of forest landscapes, Model Forests.
Curriculum: Scientific Master's Degree from CATIE in integrated management of natural resources, Agricultural Engineer, Academic Coordinator of the Master's Degree in Management and Conservation of Tropical Forests and Biodiversity from CATIE. Participates of the technical team of the 20x20 restoration initiative for Latin America, of the board of directors of the Ecological Society of Restoration in Ibero-America and chairs the Latin American Model Forest Network and the National Forest Sustainability Commission of Costa Rica.
Dr. Alvaro Sotomayor Garreton
Institution: Forestry Institute of Chile (INFOR) - Principal Researcher and National Manager of the “Research Line for Development of Agroforestry Systems”.
Line of research: Development of agroforestry systems, Management of properties with agroforestry systems, Agroforestry restoration on a landscape scale.
CV: PhD in Forestry Sciences and Natural Resources Engineering from the University of Córdoba, Spain; MSc in forestry sciences from Texas A&M University, USA; Forestry Engineer from the University of Chile. He currently directs the Projects: “Agroforestry restoration on a landscape scale as a tool to improve water and environmental management in small and medium-sized forestry and agricultural properties” and “Strengthening Technical Capabilities for the incorporation of the arboreal and xerophytic component in the economic development of family farming peasant.” Additionally, he teaches the Agroforestry Systems Course at the University of Concepción (UDEC).