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IUFRO 2023 Latin American Conference - 17-19 OCT - Curitiba, Brazil

IUFRO-SPDC’s Scientist Assistance Programme (SAP)

IUFRO-SPDC’s Scientist Assistance Programme (SAP) is designed to provide forest scientists from economically disadvantaged countries with financial assistance for participation in scientific meetings and conferences organized by IUFRO. Interested forest scientists from economically disadvantaged regions primarily of Latin America and the Caribbean, as funding allows also of Africa and Asia, are invited to apply for support to participate in the IUFRO 2023 Latin American Conference.

Candidates selected by IUFRO have already received notification of their approval and are welcome to IUFRO LA-2023.


IUFRO LA 2023 Galoá

IUFRO 2023 Latin American Conference - 17-19 OCT - Curitiba, Brazil uses Galoá to painless manage and increase the impact of the event.

Need help planning or organizing your conference? Schedule a call