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Rodrigo Ramos Catharino

Rodrigo Ramos Catharino

He holds a master's degree and a doctorate from the State University of Campinas (1999-2004). Postdoctoral fellow at Florida State University and at the Instituto de Química -UNICAMP. He is currently Director of the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, UNICAMP, - Full Professor - Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences - UNICAMP - Coordinator of the INNOVARE Biomarkers Laboratory - with experience in the translational area, working mainly on the following topics: Biomarkers, structural elucidation, and new omics in diagnostics, medicines, cosmetics and food. Awards: "2015 Academic Recognition Zeferino Vaz" UNICAMP; "I Grupo Fleury Innovation Award"; "Science and Technology Incentive for SUS 2015"; TWAS-ROLAC Young Scientist Prize, 2016; Inventors Award, Inova, UNICAMP, 2021.