Prof. Dr. Elizabeth Aparecida Ferraz da Silva Torres
USP – BRAZILElizabeth Aparecida Ferraz da Silva TorresAgronomist with a master's, doctoral and post-doctoral degree in the area of Food Science, Profa. Elizabeth completed her sandwich doctorate at Michigan State University (MI, USA). On January 10th, he completed 31 years of career working in education for undergraduate nutrition students and graduate students in nutrition and public health, conducting research directly in the area of food science and technology, with emphasis on functional foods, bioactive substances and chronic non-communicable diseases, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, models in Caco-2 cells, and food and humor (MoodFood), as well as in the university extension area, carrying out dozens of courses, events and training for the community. In these 31 years of academic activity, he has supervised 34 scientific initiation works, 30 master's dissertations and 19 doctoral theses. Currently, he supervises a scientific initiation student, 2 master's students, 6 doctoral students and two post-doctoral students. He has published 170 articles in specialized journals. Published or Organized or collaborated on 10 books. He received six awards and honors. Recently, his work was featured on the cover of Food & Function and Journal of Food Bioactives. Won third place award for best poster in the international category at IFT (New Orleans, USA). He has published several books and one of them, Nutrição em Saúde Pública, was nominated for a Jabuti award in 2018. He was responsible for more than 25 funded research projects. She is a reviewer for several national and international scientific journals. She is also Scientific Director of the Brazilian Association of Nutrition in Mental Health (ABNSM). He currently coordinates the research project with assistance entitled “Effect of guarana powder on the modulation of inflammatory and neurotrophic biomarkers and on depressive symptoms related to major depressive disorder”. He is a member of the CRInt of the Faculty of Public Health - Internationalization Affairs. It has several national and international partnerships, UFRRJ, UNICAMP, Kagawa University, Memorial University, University of Chile, University of Deakin, among others. She is also a consultant for the Scientific Council (C3) ILSI Brazil.