Yanina Bellini Saibene
National Institute of Agricultural Technology of Argentina
I’m a researcher at INTA (National Institute of Agricultural Technology) and I’m dedicated to apply data science to the agricultural sector. I work in an Experimental Agricultural Station, so my developments and solutions are related to the productive reality of the province of La Pampa, where I live with my husband and my two beautiful children.
I enjoy teaching a lot, so I spend part of my time teaching courses and writing teaching material on my research topics. I’m co-founder of MetaDocencia, an open, free, volunteer-lead, not-for-profit, educational organization. Since 2019 I’m an RStudio Certified Trainer, since 2020 I’m an Software Carpentries Certified Instructor and since 2021 I’m a Software Carpentries Certified Trainer. Since 2022 I’m a member of the The Carpentries Execute Council. I lead the translation of Teaching Tech Together to Spanish and I’m part of the team that translate some lessons by The Carpentries also to Spanish.
Also, I’m an active member of the R Community: I am part of the R-Ladies Global Team and founder and organizer of the R-Ladies Santa Rosa chapter. I am co-founder and chair of LatinR and member of the organizing team of useR!2020, and user!2021. I was part of the team that translated R materials to Spanish (ej: R for Data Science, RStudio Cheat Sheets).
I relate my work at INTA with my work at the R Community by seeking to make my science as reproducible and open as possible using open computing tools. I am chair, since 2016, of the Argentine Congress of Agroinformatics (CAI) and general chair in 2020 of the Argentine Conference on Informatics and Operational Research ( JAIIO) and member of the editorial commite of the Electronic Journal de SADIO.