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Diego Marchetti

Diego Marchetti

Eng. Diego Marchetti

CEO, Marchetti DMT, ltaly


Engineer Diego Marchetti worked since 2001in association with Professor Silvano Marchetti, the original inventor of the Flat Plate Dilatometer (DMT) in 1980, used in over 80 countries world-wide. Together they developed and patented the Seismic Dilatometer (SDMT) in 2004 and the fully automated dilatometer (Medusa DMT) completed in 2019 and employed today in four continents. ln 2009 they founded Studio Prof. Marchetti, the company where Diego became director in 2016, after Silvano passed away.

The main activities of the company consist in the design, production and distribution of patented geotechnical andl geophysical equipment for in situ testing. ln particularly challenging surveys, such as offshore DMT and SDMT surveys, Diego provides coordination and assistance on site for ensuring high quality testing with the supplied equipment.

His research activities are mainly in cooperation with the University of L'Aquila and also with other world­ wide universities and institutes. He is author/ co-author of over 70 publications in technical journals and conference proceedings.

Diego was invited and delivered technical presentations in over 60 countries at national and international conferences and to Universities, Research lnstitutes and private companies.