Antonio Chica

Dr. A. Chica started to work in the Institute of Chemical Technology (ITQ) as PhD student in 1997 under the supervision of Prof. Avelino Corma. In January of 2002 he finished his PhD studies with honors (UPV Fundamental Research Award). The Thesis work was focused in the development of new catalytic materials applied to the isomerisation of different hydrocarbon fractions (gasoline, diesel and oils). From September 2002 to September 2004 he was working at U.C. Berkeley as Fulbright Fellowship Postdoc under the supervision of Prof. Enrique Iglesia. The development of new catalysts and processes for clean fuels production was the focus of his posdoctoral research. In 2004 he obtained a Spanish research contract under the Ramon y Cajal Competitive Program. In 2007 he got a permanent position in the CSIC (Spanish Council for Scientific Research) as Tenured Scientific where he is working in several projects related to hydrogen production from renewables, redox flow batteries for renewable electricity storage and catalysis for energy production. His last works include catalysts for hydrogen production from biomass-derived compounds (ethanol, glycerol and furfural) and CO2 methanation, and modified electrodes for vanadium redox flow batteries. He has collaborated with enterprises like UOP, EXXON-Mobil, IFP, ENI, BP-Amoco, Johnson Matthey PLC, Repsol, CEPSA, Técnicas Reunidas, and he has contributed with a 50 publications in international journals. He is also co-author of 31 patents, one of them in Currently he is Co-Coordinator of the Interdisciplinary Technology Platform of Sustainable Energetic Transition of CSIC (PTI+TransEner-