Prof(a). Dr(a). Roger Glaeser
Institute of Chemical Technology, Universität Leipzig
Roger Gläser received his Ph.D. degree in Chemistry from the University of Stuttgart in 1997. After a research stay at the School of Chemical Engineering of Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, USA, he returned to the University of Stuttgart and completed his habilitation in Chemical Technology in January 2007. Since 01.08.2007, he is a Full Professor for Chemical Technology and the Director of the Institute of Chemical Technology at Leipzig University. Currently, he serves as the Vice Rector for Talent Development of his University, Chairman of the Commission of the German Catalysis Society, Treasurer of the Federation of European Zeolite Associations and elected member of the council of the International Zeolite Association and of the Review Board of the German Research Foundation. His research interests include the preparation and characterization of novel catalysts with defined nanoporosity as well as supported metal and photocatalysts. Besides the utilization of renewable resources such as solar energy, carbon dioxide or biomass for conversion to fuels and chemicals, photocatalysis and diffusion in heterogeneous catalysis represent major fields of his activity