Exploring the chemical ecology of pest beetles in the Homalinotus genus: initial findings and perspectives
Session 1
Studies with natural products at UEA, Brazil: Findings over eight years living and working in the Central Amazon
Plenary Lecture: The Fungal Fight Club: Chemical Diversity Generated During Conflict
Session 2
Exploitation of olive oil industry products and by-products for pilot isolation and semi-synthesis of promising medicinal agents
Chemical study of Passiflora cincinnata (Passifloraceae): a combination of CPC, HPLC and NMR techniques
Flash presentations
Plenary Lecture: Exploring Ecological Responses and Bioactive Metabolites through Metabolomics
Round table 1: Perspectives and Challenges in Natural Products Chemistry
Poster Session 1 (numbers 158365 - 166951)
9th Brazilian Conference on Natural Product/ XXXV RESEM uses Galoá to painless manage and increase the impact of the event.